Pre-Vet Medical Association (PVMA)
The Baylor Pre-Veterinary Medical Association (BPVMA) is the only student organization on campus directed at pre-veterinary students. Our club works to ensure members have resources to volunteer, shadow, and take on leadership roles in our community. Members of our organization attend bi-monthly meetings where medical professionals across the spectrum of animal medicine come and speak. Speakers can range from veterinarians, to first-year veterinary students, and vet school representatives, all of which are extremely beneficial and informative to students. Beyond the meetings, we organize socials, and have a mentor/mentee program where upperclassmen help freshmen and sophomores with planning courses or applying to vet school.
BPVMA offers an environment for growth and success as we strive to ensure our members feel welcomed and well informed. Our offered volunteer programs allow students to gain a wide variety of animal experience. From helping control the feral cat population on campus, to working at a therapeutic riding center, members have a selection of service opportunities geared toward their success upon applying to vet school. Alongside service, we promote our members’ involvement in shadowing local clinics to gain a better understanding of the tasks required of veterinarians, and their staff. Our organization also works closely with the Humane Society of Central Texas, where we hold yearly adoption events on campus.
BPVMA is a great way for any pre-vet student to gain footing and build a successful college career.
Contact our email ( if you are interested in joining, or have any questions!