Meet the Team
Teaching Assistants (TAs)
1105 Foundations of Medicine
1105 Foundations of Medicine
Hi there! My name is Rachel and I am a senior Cell and Molecular Biology major on the Pre-Dental track with minors in Business Administration and Gerontology. I am super excited to co-lead Foundations of Medicine and the Pre-Health Mentors this upcoming year! I am also involved in Baylor ASDA and AED on campus, so reach out if you're interested in either of these great organizations too. During my free time, I love anything psychological horror related (movies, documentaries, and books), running, and I'm currently super into cross-stitching. I also work as an Organic Chemistry Grading Assistant and a Diet Clerk at Ascension Providence, which fills up my schedule pretty nicely. I'm excited and honored to be serving in this role and I look forward to connecting with the Baylor Pre-Health community!
2105 Prehealth Professional Development
2105 Prehealth Professional Development
Hi everyone! My name is Graycee Luksa and I am from Magnolia, Tx. I am a senior Medical Humanities major with a minor in Spanish on the Pre-PA track. I will be the head TA for Prehealth Professional Development (PHP 2105).
1105 Foundations of Medicine
1105 Foundations of Medicine
Hi, my name is Liberty! I am a senior Cell and Molecular Biology major on the Pre-medicine track with a minor in English! I am honored to co-lead the Foundations of Medicine Course and Pre-health mentors with Rachel this year. I grew up in Washington state on a pumpkin farm! On campus, I am involved in Delta Delta Delta, AED, and The Park Lab. I have a passion for serving in the Waco Community through Waco Family Medicine, Mission Waco, Harris Creek Create, and the Humane Society! In my free time, I love to workout (running, Pilates, walking!!), cook, read, paint and do fun craft projects! I love research and have spent the past 2 years as a National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases STEP-UP Research Fellow where I have done research at Washington University School of Medicine and Baylor. I hope to get my MD/PhD to continue researching Type 1 Diabetes! I am so excited to be serving as Co-TA this upcoming year and cannot wait to serve the Pre-health Community!
Director of 1105 Curriculum
Director of 1105 Curriculum
Hey everyone! My name is Hannah Anderson and I am the PHP 1105 Director of Curriculum for the 2024-2025 school year. My role ultimately consists of making and organizing the curriculum for peer group! I am a senior, University Scholars major, with minors in Biology and Medical Humanities on the pre-medical track. Some of my primary involvements outside of Prehealth Mentors include working as an F45 fitness instructor at the SLC, working as a medical scribe at Ascension Providence in the ED, volunteering at WFM, and social research. A fun fact about me is that I am from Portland, Oregon! If you have any questions regarding anything, please feel free to reach out!
Director of Communications
Director of Communications
Hi everyone! My name is Rhea and I'm a senior from Houston, TX. I'm an Integrative Biology major with a minor in Business Administration. Alongside my course of study, I enjoy delving into the environment and its intersections with human health, something I hope to keenly study in the future. Outside of school, I enjoy reading, writing and trying out new places to eat here in Waco! I look forward to an incredible year with Baylor's PreHealth community as your Director of Communications!
Director of Internal Partnerships
Director of Internal Partnerships
Hi! My name is Hannah Chu, and I am the Director of Internal Partnerships for PHP 1105. My role is to create events and resources that connect prehealth students with the larger prehealth community. I am a senior double-majoring in Biochemistry and Cell/Molecular Biology, with a minor in Sociology, on the pre-med track. I’ve lived in Waco for a decade now, and one of my favorite hobbies is making chai, matcha, and cute lattes! If you want to get involved in prehealth organizations or learn more about the programs and opportunities we offer, please reach out!
Director of Mentor Relations
Director of Mentor Relations
Hello!! My name is Alexis Davis, and I am the Director of mentor relations! I am a senior health science studies, major, and a minor in both biology and sociology in the pre-med track. My passion in medicine is to limit the barrier between healthcare access as well as breakdown the walls that create healthcare disparities as well as advocate for women's health. In my free time, I love to travel, as well as show my creativity through putting on philanthropic events and creating content for social media!
Director of 1105 Course Operations
Director of 1105 Course Operations
Hello everyone! My name is Grace Hodges. I am a senior Health Science Studies major on the Pre-Medicine Track and am also earning minors in Spanish and Biology. I was a military kid growing up, so I’ve been all over (I’ve moved 12 times!), but Texas is home! I am honored to work as y’all’s Director of 1105 Course Operations for the 2024 - 2025 school year. I love reading (please come talk to me about your current/favorite read!), traveling (I’ve studied abroad twice!), and spending time with my family (and goats, Mabel and Marvin!). I also love spending my time volunteering with Mission Waco. You can often find me drinking a Muggle Mocha at Fabled, pacing the hallways of the BSB, or in office hours with my incredible professors. Please reach out if you have any questions involving grades, competency logs, or just about anything towards succeeding as a pre-health student!
Director of External Partnerships
Director of External Partnerships
Hi! My name is Jessica James, and I am a senior majoring in Medical Humanities on the pre-med track. I'm from Houston, Texas, and in my free time I enjoy reading, running, and baking. I love traveling with friends and family, but when in Waco I enjoy spending time at Cameron Park and Pinewood! After graduating from Baylor, I hope to attend medical school and pursue a career in family medicine caring for underserved populations and serving on medical missions. I'm looking forward to working with incoming students and connecting them with alumni this year!
Co-Director of Wellness
Co-Director of Wellness
Hey!! My name is Adhwaitha, but I also go by Addy. I am a senior Cell and Molecular Biology major with minors in Anthropology and Biochemistry from Saginaw, MI. I’m one of the Co-Directors of Wellness and I am so excited to put on events for all y’all! In my free time I love watching Formula 1, taking pictures, traveling, and immersing myself in anything art related. I’m so excited to serve the Pre-Health community this year with the rest of the amazing PHM team <3
Director of 2105 Outreach
Director of 2105 Outreach
Hey everyone! My name is Jaden Nguyen, and I am a junior studying Biology on the Pre-Medicine Track! I am from Port Arthur, TX, a small town close to Houston! Some of my favorite hobbies include watching sports (particularly basketball), hanging out with friends, and trying new foods! I currently serve as the Director of Outreach and Engagement for PHP 2105! I help coordinate the speakers, panels, and help promote the class here at Baylor! Excited to get to know you all! Sic ‘em!
Director of 2105 Course Operations
Director of 2105 Course Operations
Hi everyone! My name is Liv Olson, and I’m from Grand Forks, North Dakota. I am a Biology major on the Pre-Medicine track. In my free time, I love hanging out with friends, watching sports, and trying out new HTeaO flavors! This year, I will serve as the Director of Course Operations for 2105, where I assist on running the Canvas page and creating the rubrics for assignments. I am so excited for this year, and can’t wait to meet everyone!
Co-Director of Wellness
Co-Director of Wellness
My name is Shynitha Pulluri and I am a senior on the Pre-Med track majoring in Cell and Molecular Biology with minors in Biochemistry and Environmental Science. I am super excited to serve as one of the Directors of Wellness this year and we hope to bring the Pre-Health community together through these events. I am extremely passionate about learning more about public health and hope to pursue an MD-MPH! A few things I love outside school are spending time with family and friends and dancing!
Director of 2105 Mentorship
Director of 2105 Mentorship
Hi everyone! My name is Gillian Thomas and I am from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. I am a junior Cell and Molecular Biology major with a Business Administration minor on the Pre-Med track. This school year I am serving as the PHP 2105 Director of Mentorship. Within this role, I am in charge of matching students with senior mentors and acting as a liaison and resource for mentors. In my free time, I love to watch the sunset, play pickleball, travel, and hang out with friends. I'm excited to get more involved in the Pre-Health world and meet you all!
Director of Mentor Operations
Director of Mentor Operations
Hi! My name is Mackenzie Welch, and I'm the Director of Mentor Operations! I am a junior biology major on the pre-med track with a minor in biochemistry, and I'm from Duluth, Minnesota. In my free time I love to ski, hike, travel, read, and spend time with friends! I'm also involved in AED, Genetics LA-ing, and I am a Baylor Tour Guide! I'm really looking forward to working with all of the other pre-health mentors this year!