Interventions in Dementia (ID) Lab
ID is an undergraduate-run clinical research lab dedicated to implementing therapeutic interventions designed to improve quality of life outcomes for memory care patients.
Current Interventions
Directed by Dr. Rich Sanker and Annie Pinchen (with the input and support of Ascension Providence Village).
Live vs. Recorded Music: Comparing the effects of individualized music interventions on symptoms of depression and agitation in dementia patients
Partnering with Ascension Providence Village, ID provides memory care patients personalized music performance to mitigate the effects of common mood disorders.

Lab Structure
In each study, undergraduate researchers design an intervention, submit a project proposal and IRB, oversee the completion of their intervention, and form meaningful connections with memory care patients. The entire research team earns PHP 2V9R/3V9R credit for their efforts.
Interested in joining the ID research team? Applications will open at the beginning of each semester. After initial application review, applicants will be selected for interviews. Accepted applicants will be notified through Baylor email.
Exceptional members of the ID research team are eligible to become Pre-Health Research Scholars and receive a scholarship. Applications to become a scholar are held internally.
Interested in serving local memory care patients? Join our latest study as a volunteer. Volunteers earn service hours by helping to administer interventions (performing live music or transporting patients). Volunteers will receive semesterly certificates for their logged hours at request. Email